
In general, the entrance fee (tickets) must be purchased in advance as sales at the door are not always available.

The price per ticket varies as time moves closer to an upcoming party.

- Cheapest tickets are the Early Bird ticket’s which are sold from the day a new party is announced (5-6 weeks before).

- Most, expensive are the tickets sold at the door (Please note that tickets are seldom sold at the door. See conditions under each individual party).

The ticket prices are announced in Danish kroner:

1 DKK = 0,14 EUR

1 EUR = 7,50 DKK

Prepaid Tickets:

MobilePay and Bank Transfer.

Foreningers and other guests who do not have MobilePay can use Bank transfer. Buy your ticket in good time. We will do our best to confirm your purchase by SMS or email. The confirmation can take us up to a week to handle. We advice you to keep a copy (a screen shot) of your purchase. 

You can either pick up your ticket at Carsten's house a week (7 days) before a party (call us for a convenient pick-up time) or you can pick up your ticket directly at the door when you arrive at the party. The doorman will have your ticket(s) in an envelope with your name (the name of the person who paid the tickets) written on it. 

People who pick up their tickets in advance may save some waiting time at the door when arriving to a party.

MobilePay: When buying tickets via MobilePay then it is important that we know who you are and who you are buying tickets for. Please make sure to write all the names of the ones you pay for in the message box.

Bank transfer: If you do not have access to MobilePay you may use a bank to bank transfer. Please note that a bank transfer may take up to 3-4 workdays before the money reaches our account. Make sure to write the full name of each person you buy a ticket for.

Our bank informations are:

Carsten Appel - Christians Bygge 30, 5 - 1559 Copenhagen V - Denmak


IBAN:    DK9130003147013388